Warnings Upon Stumbling on this Blogsite!

this is not for the faint of heart, my journey is only beginning. everything that i go threw and think will be aired out on here..... so if you have problems with mild language content, constant questionable thoughts, and heartache then you might want to reconsider taking this adventure with me.... if you can deal and cope, the welcome the rollercoaster ride of my life! (ps- you might want to strap your seatbelt on extra tight because it tends to get bumpy and spiral downward before it gets better)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Will you choose the dark side? i heard they have cookies :)

so this morning i woke up and actually felt like i was going to have a good day. these days come very rare to me at the moment, usually i have to mull over the fact of weighing out so many odds against me to the possitive, and let me tell you they seem like a million to one..... so you could say that the black hole of the dark side is sucking me besides me giving the voluentarty go ahead i wanna join to the darkside.
i also upon just waking up like 45 in ago, and no im still not wide awake yet this usually takes about a good 2 hour process, i still had to release some stuff that was weighing down my conscience, which i did, and of course it never on the pleasing side so i get to see my family dissapointed in me, which hurts the same, but i still feel a weight off my shoulders and a little lighter in my heart, and a little optomism in my day. did i mention i love my family? i do, its hard to show it at times with my actions while trying to learn how to control this malfunction of mine, but i know i will always have their support as long as i am getting help from myself. which right now i am doing, i have the people that i go to and see.... they are wonderful and truely have a big heart of compassion and caring (i can tell someone else who has a big caring heart). the downside of my up today is that they might be reschedualing or cancelling an appointment today, because ive got a couple of missed calls and a voicemail telling me to return their call "reguarding" my appointment. i hope its just a push back or something minute and not like a cancelling or whatever, because i really need them and someone to just confide in today.
even though ive already had an eventful morning and alot of reasons that i could be spirialing down, i have remained on the bright side (they serve something better than cookies.....chocolate!) and i will be having a good day today. ill blog later on when i fully wake up and continue on my path for today, and i cant promise that i wont spiral downwards cause i am dealing with alot mentally today, but all i can do is try and remain in the possitive.

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